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The 8 Show

The Stories


“Money Game,” a gripping webtoon series, and “The 8 Show,” a provocative Netflix original, both delve into the complexities of human nature through their unique narratives centered around survival and greed. “Money Game” explores the psychological and moral challenges faced by participants in a high-stakes contest where financial gain is the ultimate goal, while “The 8 Show” presents a dystopian reality show where contestants must navigate extreme scenarios to secure their freedom. Both series, through their intense and often dark storytelling, provide a compelling examination of what people are willing to do for money and survival.

Humanity at it’s core


In “Money Game,” the depiction of humanity is raw and unfiltered, highlighting the lengths to which individuals will go when faced with financial desperation. The characters’ interactions and decisions reveal their vulnerabilities, greed, and occasional altruism, painting a nuanced picture of human behavior under pressure. The webtoon excels in character development, making readers empathize with the participants’ struggles while also questioning their moral choices. The narrative is punctuated by moments of intense psychological conflict, effectively illustrating the corrupting influence of money on human relationships and ethics.

On the other hand, “The 8 Show” amplifies these themes by placing its characters in life-threatening situations where their primal instincts are pushed to the forefront. The show’s depiction of humanity is brutal and often unsettling, as contestants are forced to confront their deepest fears and moral boundaries. The series shines in its ability to blend action with psychological drama, keeping viewers on edge as they witness the contestants’ transformation under extreme duress. “The 8 Show” offers a stark commentary on societal values and the human capacity for both cruelty and compassion in the face of survival.

Relating to your real life

Both “Money Game” and “The 8 Show” provide thought-provoking narratives that challenge viewers to reflect on the darker aspects of human nature. “Money Game” excels in its detailed character studies and the moral quandaries it presents, making it a compelling exploration of how money can influence human behavior. In contrast, “The 8 Show” offers a more visceral and intense experience, focusing on the primal instincts that surface in life-and-death scenarios. While “Money Game” provides a more introspective look at humanity’s flaws, “The 8 Show” delivers a powerful commentary on the extremes of human behavior. Together, they offer a comprehensive and unsettling portrayal of humanity’s complexities in the face of survival and greed. Whether through the pens of the scriptwriters or webtoon’s author, the world continues to struggle of overcoming the financial freedom, power and increasing greed across different social classes, yet the rarity of today’s world is displaying the random act of kindness, compassion and balance of morality to the less privilege individuals / group. 

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